Tips For Creating A Holiday Office Party Your Co-Workers Will Love |

Planning the perfect holiday office party can be tricky. So here are 5 tips for creating a holiday office party your co-workers will love!

Tip 1 — Set the vibe of the party with the invitation

Evite Holiday Office Party Invitation

Find an invitation style that fits the feel you want to convey. Do you want your party classy, elegant, wacky, playful…?

Pro tip: Try an unexpected theme. Ugly sweater parties always work, but why not try a karaoke party or holiday fiesta. Go with a theme that best fits your crowd.

Tip 2 — Pick festive foods and serve them DIY-style

By going DIY, you can offer more choices and please more people.

Tips For Creating A Holiday Office Party Your Co-Workers Will Love |

Create a hot chocolate station to add a holiday feel.

Tips For Creating A Holiday Office Party Your Co-Workers Will Love |

Tip 3 — Choose easy, but seasonal decorations

Holiday lights can transform a conference room. Shop the bargain bins at the dollar store. And if you really have no budget, add a red tablecloth (or bedsheet) and cut out a paper banner or snowflakes.

Holiday Office Party Your Co-Workers Will Love |

Pro tip: Use the office projector to screen a classic holiday movie or slideshow of company photos.

Tip 4 — Add some holiday giving

A gift exchange creates a generous feel, and no one goes home empty-handed. Food and toy drives are another feel-good option.

Holiday Office Party Your Co-Workers Will Love |

Tip 5 — Make music a priority

Music can make or break a party. If you have a co-worker who is a DJ, put him or her to work. If not, set up a playlist beforehand (ask your co-workers for requests) and stream it. You can even share your playlist after the party.

In my experience, the key to a great office holiday party is to make it feel like it’s everyone’s party. Find ways to get input from your co-workers. The more inclusive it is, the more fun everybody has!