Cookie Mix Party Favor DIY |

 Shauna Krantz from Ella and Annie Magazine, is here with her easy holiday cookie mix party favor DIY. What a great way to give something special to your holiday guests and friends! 

I learned young the art of homemade gifts from my mothers. Maybe there is some misconception about homemade gifts. You often feel you’re being cheap, right? Well I want to stop you right there!

Cheap is far from homemade. Homemade to me, means love, time, and energy. Homemade is unique. Your family and friends will not receive another gift like yours. These gifts are affordable, easy, and yummy to say the least!

What you need: (note: 2 jars, split recipe in half when adding to jars and make sure to cut butter and eggs in half when adding recipe tag to jars).


Start by cutting your fabric scraps into 5×5 or 6×6” squares (depending on size of jars you use). Set aside.

Cookie Jar Favors DIY |

Cookie Jar Party Favor DIY |


Decide how many jars you are making and in what sizes. Clean and dry thoroughly the jars.

Recipe: (adapted from Nestle)

Cookie Mix Party Favors DIY |

In a medium bowl combine flour, baking soda and powdered vanilla. Mix. In a separate bowl combine sugars and mix. Tip: mix sugar with hands to remove any lumps.

Cookie Jar Party Favor DIY |

Cookie Jar Party Favor DIY |

Begin to layer ingredients. Start with flour. If using two jars make sure to cut ingredients in half. Next, add the sugar mixture on top of the flour. Lastly, add chocolate chips, nuts, etc.

Cookie Jar Party Favor DIY |
Cookie Jar Party Favor DIY |

Cookie Jar Party Favor DIY |

Place the jars round lid on top. Cover with your pre-cut fabric square ( I also used pinking shears to give a pretty edge on the fabric and prevent fraying ) and screw on the cap over the fabric. Add ribbon or twine to attach the recipe card or create a pretty finished look!

Cookie Jar Party Favor DIY |

Cookie Mix Party Favor DIY |

Cookie Mix Party Favors DIY |

Cookie Mix Party Favor DIY |

 Thanks, Shauna, what a great way to give something homemade at the holidays! To see more of Shauna’s work, check out Ella and Annie Magazine and visit them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.