Hemp Cord Christmas Tree DIY | CatchMyParty.com

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Check out this hemp cord Christmas tree DIY. It’s a quick and easy way to add some pretty holiday decorations to your house. All you need is cording, liquid fabric stiffener, paper, and plastic wrap. Plus, your kids can help! Just add a tea light when you’re done and you’ve got a Christmas tree that lights up!

Hemp Cord Christmas Tree DIY


Making a hemp holiday tree | CatchMyParty.com
Making a hemp holiday tree | CatchMyParty.com


1. Wrap your cone shape in plastic wrap. Tape to secure the plastic wrap.

Making a hemp holiday tree | CatchMyParty.com

2. Dip cording (jute, twine or yarn) in fabric stiffener. Ring out excess stiffener.

Hemp Cord Christmas Tree DIY | CatchMyParty.com

3. Begin wrapping the cording around the plastic cone. It will stick into place.

Hemp Cord Christmas Tree DIY | CatchMyParty.com

4. Continue to wrap the cording in a random pattern around the cone. Leave spaces here and there so you can use a battery operated tea light candle to make your tree glow!

5. Add as much or as little cording as you like. Some trees may have more and that’s okay! They will all look a bit different.

6. Dry overnight.

7. Slowly pull the paper cone out of the dried cording.

Hemp holiday tree | CatchMyParty.com

8. I glued on some silver star confetti that to one of the trees for decoration. Pretty, isn’t it!?

Hemp Cord Christmas Tree DIY | CatchMyParty.com

9. Use a battery operated tea light candle to make your village of trees shine bright during the holiday nights.

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