I love Amy Bradley-Hole of TheBeeDot. She’s a brazen, funny, Southern gal with big hair and good advice.
She spoke at Bloggy Bootcamp San Diego about how to brand your blog. She broke it down into these five questions, which I think are so right on at helping us bloggers figure out what’s unique and special about our blogs.
1) What are my distinguishing characteristics and personality traits? (How would my friends describe me?)
2) What are my guiding principles and values? (What values do I live by? Things that don’t change about me.)
3) What is my role on the web? (What service do I provide?)
4) What is my promise? (To my readers, followers, customers, etc…)
5) What is my story? (What brought me to this point in my life?)
What I love about these questions is that it gets you to your own personal mission statement, something you can revisit over and over again to keep you focused and on track.
Thanks Amy, you’ve given me a lot to think about.