Erin S made these body scrub favors from scratch for her guests at her Kelsi’s Lemon + Lime Themed Bridal Shower.
Erin also put together a great tutorial on her blog, Two More Seconds, describing how she did it. Here’s the excerpt…
- First Erin bought 4 oz jelly jars and designed labels to fit on the top of them. She printed them 12 to a page on sticker paper and cut them out in circles.
- For the sugar scrub she made a huge bowl of it by starting with 8 cups of white sugar and then adding olive oil to the sugar and mixing with a whisk until it had a gritty, but still slightly goopy, texture.
- Next she added the zest and juice of about 3 fresh lemons, and then also added a few squirts of lemon juice from the fridge.
- She filled the jelly jars and then shredded more zest on top …. it ended up taking a lot of lemon scent to cover up the distinct olive oil smell.
- The one thing she learned was to NOT use a mixture of white and brown sugar for the sugar scrub. Just something about the brown sugar wasn’t soaking up the olive oil creating a nasty, congealed mess. Plus it was a gross brownish gray color and not the pretty light yellow that worked better with her theme. 🙂
Thanks Erin for the great tutorial and if you want to read about more DIY projects Erin did for Kelsi’s bridal shower, read her post here.