Today is my birthday! So in celebration, I thought this would a fun recipe to post.
This cake was made in my microwave in 45 seconds, I kid you not. Party trick, maybe… But also not bad for a chocolate cake you can make in less than a minute. My daughter, who is five, thinks it’s beyond delicious! 🙂

Here’s how you do it (adapted from a few I found on the Internet by googling “chocolate mug cake”)…
Ingredients: {makes 1 mug cake or 2 ramekin cakes}
- 4 tablespoons all purpose flour
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg – beaten
- 3 tablespoons skim milk
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Into a small bowl add: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt, egg, milk, and vegetable oil. Mix to combine.

Pour mixture into a regular sized coffee mug or two smaller ramekins.
Microwave on high for one minute and 30 seconds in a mug, or 45 seconds in a ramekin. If needed (if cake batter is still gooey), microwave on high for additional time, checking every 15 seconds. Don’t overcook or it will get very spongy.

Now the key here is to eat it fast while it’s hot. If you let it sit, it will get rubbery. This recipe is definitely worth a try because it’s so fun and weird. And if you need a very quick chocolate fix, nothing beats it!