My favorite kinds of parties always have a personal touch. So when I recently ran across these two grown up party ideas — a “favorite things” party and a “cookie swap” party — I had to post about them.
“Cookie Swap” Party
I read about this party on A Cup of Jo, Joanna Goddard’s great blog. Joanna hosted the cookie swap. Everyone brought two dozen cookies, hung out, and drank ice-cold milk (and wine). How simple, personal, and delicious! Definitely my kind of party.
A “Favorite Things” Party
I read about this “favorite things” party on Brooke Reynold’s lovely design blog, Inchmark, and instantly wanted to host one. According to Brooke, here’s how it works:
- Each person brings their favorite thing (anything you like… your favorite lip gloss, favorite kitchen tool, favorite gift wrapping supply, a gift card for your favorite frozen yogurt, etc.).
- It can’t cost more than $6, and each person brings five of the same thing.
- When you arrive at the party, you write your name on five slips of paper and throw them in a big bowl.
- The bowl is passed around, and each person takes five names (making sure you don’t pick your own… or two of the same name).
- One at a time each person introduces their favorite thing and then reads the five names they picked from the bowl, passing out their gift to those five guests.
- After everyone at the party has presented their favorite thing, each person should end up with five gifts to take home.
Did you read that right? Each guest gets five gifts to take home!
As her “favorite thing” at her party, Brooke brought fresh basil plants, included her favorite basil recipes, and presented them with a jar of Trader Joe’s pesto. Nice idea.
What I think both these party themes show is that you don’t have to throw an expensive or elaborate party to find an interesting way for people to connect. And when you’re hosting a party, what more could you want?
Thanks Joanna and Brooke for the wonderful inspiration.