I’ve been asked to write a post by Quaker Oatmeal about how I reward myself everyday and maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle. As a mom, staring my own company, my days are pretty hectic.  I feel like I’m always switching gears and changing hats.

But the one thing I do every morning, is take ten minutes and visualize. I visualize my day ahead, what I hope to accomplish, and how I’d like the outcomes to be. I also visualize my longer term goals for myself and my family. And if I’m worried about something, I try to reframe it so that I’m not in fear. I picture myself moving through whatever the situation is with grace and confidence and coming out the other side happy.

My daughter loves to dance, and I’m always inspired by how confident and graceful she is when she moves through life. I think about her some times when I’m faced with a difficult challenge.

I look forward to my ten minutes everyday when my family is still asleep, to get myself mentally and emotionally ready for the day. This is definitely my “me” time, and it makes my soul happy because it fills me with calm, anticipation, and power.

I recommend you try it. If you don’t know where to start, here’s an easy thing say to yourself…

“Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better…”